We can say that Internet is the network of networks where all the computer can linked together and communicate with each other without any interferance .
At current time , 99.9% companies uses internet to connect with their country and the world.
We can also say that internet is the thing which connect the server with the web browser.
Web Browser:-
Web browser is the software from where we can access all the websites and web related things . Like Google Chrome , In nowadays all the people are familiar with Google chrome because if any have any doubt related to any topic so, they simply type that on the google chrome (web browser) and Google chrome fetch the data from the server and give it to their end user .
Browser Engine:-
Browser Engine is also a software which is put on the web browser which render the code very easily . Like Google has V-8 Engine and V-8 Engine has the most powerful engine which render any code very easily.
It provide the power to the web browser to render the data to the user or client.
Example of Browser engine are :- Apple use webkit browser engine and Mozilla use Gecko browser engine.
Web Development:-
Web Development consist of two words:-
Web means website and website is that place from where we can access the informtion . In websites , Particular information has to be given and from that place , we can capable to access those information.
Examples of websites are:-
Food webites , E-commerce websites , Banking websites , government websites etc..
Development means "to create something" .
And, Web Development means to create or build the webites .
Static Site :-
In simple terms , Static site is the type of website in which user cannot change any thing Only, Developer can change the items and other things in a website but there is a condition which is that Developer will have to change the HTML code to change or update anything in the website.
All the users which is on the website have same screen in the static website which is created by the developer .
Example of static websites are :- Personal portfolio , resume etc..
Dynamic Site:-
Let us take an simple example to understand the topic of Dynamic website , Like instagram , Let us suppose there are two person which are opening their instagram account so there is 99.9% chance that they both get different screen in their account that is nothing but that is a dynamic site in which client fetch all the data from the server and give it to the end user.
In the dynamic site If Developer want to do some change in the dynamic site so he dont need to change the code directly but now developer only change the data from the database directly because in the dynamic site , all the data is in the database.
Examples of dynamic sites are :- Instagram , Hotstar , Netflix , Facebook , Twitter etc..
UI (user interface ) :- It means that the things in the website from which a user can be interact . Like Navigation bar , search bar , message box etc.. .
In simple terms , we can say that user interface are the facilities or tools which is provided by the developer to the user .
UX (user experience):- As the name suggests, user experience means the experience of the user after using the website . It may be good or bad because it is fully depend on the user interface .
If user interface is user kindly and very good in view also so obviously , the user experience must be good but If the user interface is not user kindly so at this time , we can say that the UX may be bad .
Frontend Developer
In simple terms , we can say that a frontend developer develops the things which we can see on the website and which we can use in a website .
And , all the things which we can see in a website is develop by a frontend developer.
Roles and Responsibilities of Frontend Developer:-
Frontend developer develop all the things in a website by which a user can be interact .
It is the responsibility of the frontend developer to make best user interface and user kindly website with the help of this, user experience would be increase .
Backend Developer:-
We can say that a backend developer develop all the logical part in a website .
Let us take an example to understand the Backend developer , When a user login into a website , so which page is shown to him/her and how data is fetch from the server and stored in the database so it is all depend on Backend and Backend things is develop by a backend developer .
Roles and Responsibilites of Backend Developer:-
It is the role of a backend developer to create logical part in a website like how much data will be fetch from the server and which data is stored in which part of the database so these all the work is done by a backend developer.
Responsibility of a Backend developer to store right things in a right place in a database and fetch right data at right time from the server .
Thankyou very much for Reading
"My Blog"
Blog's Writer
Rachit Kumar