HTML 5 and Semantic Tags

HTML 5 and Semantic Tags

Intro to HTML 5

We can say that HTML 5 is the updated version of HTML. Various new features in HTML 5 are not in HTML.

There are many attributes present in HTML5 that were not present in HTML.

HTML 5 provides the feature of Semantic tags.

In HTML all the content is written on div and span but in HTML 5 there are many more tag options like

Header:- Header tag clarify that it is the head part of the web page or website.

Nav:- Nav tag clarify that All the part in the nav tag is the navigation part of the website.

Main:- The main tag clarifies that it is the main section of the webpage.

Article:- The article tag clarifies that it is the text-related section of this website.

Footer:- Footer clarifies that it is the bottom part of this website or we can say that it is the footer part of the website.

And there are much more things that are provided by HTML 5 like support for audio, video, and other multimedia content by using tags like <audio>,<video>,<canvas>, etc

The main feature is that HTML5 supports Search Engine Optimisation(SEO).

And with the help of HTML 5, the maintainability of the website is also increasing. Now, we can simply tell that it is the part of which section in the website by only looking at it and if we want to do some changes to that, we can change it also. It saves a lot of time for a programmer.

Semantic Tags

A semantic element clearly describes its meaning to both the browser and the developer.

Some Semantic tags are:






some uses of semantic tags

The semantic HTML tags help search engines and other user devices to determine the importance and context of web pages.

The pages made with semantic elements are much easier to read. It has greater accessibility. It offers a better user experience.

Thank you for reading this Blog

Rachit Kumar (Writer of this Blog).