HTML means Hypertext markup language. Let us take an example to understand HTML, Like the skeleton of a human being. Same as HTML is like a skeleton part of a website because, In this markup language, we can create a structure of our website only.

We cannot give styles and other things in that with the help of HTML.

HTML is the basic block of any website as a brick is the basic block of any building.

Mostly website’s structure is developed in HTML.

HTML is very easy to understand and very easy to use also. But, we cannot apply conditions and all things in HTML that’s why it is called a markup language.

All the web browsers like chrome, Mozilla, safari etc.. support HTML.

With the help of HTML, we can create the full structure of our website very easily.


CSS means Cascading style sheet. As the name suggests, In this CSS some style-related things would happen.

Yes, CSS provides style to HTML code so that the website looks beautiful as well as good UI and UX.

Skeleton has skinned over it same as HTML code has CSS over it which makes HTML code very beautiful and comfortable to understand.

CSS has various features in it like it can give space b/w two elements and we can change the color of text with the help of CSS as well as we can animate our elements and much more things we can do with the help of CSS.


As we know, HTML gives structure to our website and CSS provides style to our website but there is something that is missing in both of them.

These are some extra features that are provided by the javascript like the automatic movement of images or automatic pop-up of elements after hover and more things.

So all the things are provided by the javascript that's why javascript comes into the picture.


Java script makes the website more reliable and effective which increases the user experience in the website.

History of JavaScript

History of JavaScript:- In 1995, Brendan Eich invented Java Script and The first name of Java script is Mocha ( mocha is the name based on coffee).

There is a logic behind the name “mocha” that at that time developers are very obsessed with coffee so they put their invention name on the name of the coffee.

After few months or years ago, Brendan Eich realize that Mocha is not a good name for a language so he put the javascript named “LiveScript”.

At that time, Netscape and Internet explorer are browsers and at that time, there was hype for java language, and all the developers want to learn java language. and at that time java language was very popular. So, Brendan Eich decided that change the LiveScript name to Javascript for became popular. So as we see javascript was popular.

And, JavaScript is a scripted language because It doesn’t need any external power or software to run on the browser. When js code is written on the browser, so the browser can simply run the code. But this is not true for another language like java.

In 2008 when Google create a very powerful engine named V8 engine and this engine supported js code and now javascript became more powerful.

Now, A person name “Ryan Dahl” release an open-source, cross-platform environment called node.js. It provided a way to run javascript outside the browser.


Ecma is an organization that gives the rules and regulations to the javascript code and all the modifications and other things are done by the Ecma script.

any other user or developer can change the Rules and other things in the javascript language.

Thank you for Reading this Blog

Rachit Kumar (Writer of this blog).